
posted in: Farmville | 0

This plugin will harvest any ripe crop to another crop type of your choice. Use it for quests or to get lots of bushels. Does same like former QuestsManagOR, BUT will allow to have a whole list of crops to … Continued


posted in: Farmville | 0

BushelOR will allow you to Get bushels for yourself (they go to your Market Stall) or Re-share your bushels instantly to friends; these will vanish from your Market Stall, you only get links Limits: It will generate up to 300 … Continued


posted in: Farmville | 0

This is an information plugin, nothing to set on it. Plugin shows all items that exist in game.

FV_Voting – Tutorial

posted in: Farmville | 0

Use it to vote on friend’s stuff on walls. Run plugin so it gets populated with links. After first cycle, go to plugin and check the ones you want to grab. Plugin auto adds new links found on walls, also … Continued


posted in: Farmville | 0

Shows you most of the information about your farm, such as your crops, animals, trees, overall number of items on farm, number of masteries, your level, fuel, turbos etc. to keep you informed of your progress in game.

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