BuyAwesomeFbX buys and places specified items on the different farms Users need to choose farm(s) and in the number box next to each farm name, put number how many of the items to put. In the box for item(s) put … Continued
BuyAwesomeFbX buys and places specified items on the different farms Users need to choose farm(s) and in the number box next to each farm name, put number how many of the items to put. In the box for item(s) put … Continued
This plugin is used to UNLOCK the last three farms that are on ‘Free Access‘, at any point in the game. When we run the plugin, it automatically reads which of the farms needs to be unlocked. The farm(s) … Continued
when co-ordinates are given with the help of inbuilt farm map, the plugin creates-n-piles plots, deletes plots, piles any other building on farm, without piling just moves and organises objects buys from market and places seeders place roost seeders on … Continued
FV_VirtualWallGrabber lets users collect chosen items’ links in a virtual wall environment, from users who share those items using fv_links > Virtual Wall Sharing The plugin has 3 parts – 1) where we set the wait between 2 clicks. 2) the ‘save’ … Continued
BMS is a harvest plug, where we select which type of building we want to harvest, and choose which ones.
alzTreeMaker makes any tree we want from any seedling we have.
Here is a plugin to harvest buildings of choice like money trees, cash cows etc, from chosen farms.
this plugin is similar to the harvest building option of FV_Farmer where we harvest all chosen RIPE buildings, without re-ripening them.
This plugin – places coin purchase (buildable) buildings on farms and adds materials or SD boxes (from GB) to build them to level 1