BMS is a harvest plug, where we select which type of building we want to harvest, and choose which ones.
BMS is a harvest plug, where we select which type of building we want to harvest, and choose which ones.
alzTreeMaker makes any tree we want from any seedling we have.
SeedlingSh1t will grow Seedlings into any released tree you like. Works similar like alzTreeMaker, but with different interface & additional filters. First check Basic Settings and Filters for Tree List (if needed), then choose Trees to make.
This plugin uses ripe Orchards with only 1 tree in it. Trees you want to master have to be on your farm. You will get seedlings & links from your harvests. It does add bonuses from groves.
What does this plugin do? List all trees you have, show orchards, water seedlings, auto sell mastered trees, sell trees